Vince Gill - Never Knew Lonely (1995)

  • Vince Gill - Never Knew Lonely

About Music Video

  • Artist: Vince Gill
  • Song: Never Knew Lonely
  • Duration: 03:55
  • Online views: 4,861,341
  • Added: 2009-12-25


  • I am a recording artist and record mostly Gospel music. I have always LOVED Vince Gill and he can make you cry with some of his Lyrics. I seen him live in concert, had a front row seat and have never forgotten the awesome thrill and how lucky I really was. I am an old Man now and have realized that my life is nearly gone and looking back wondering why I wasted my entire life striving to become a Millionaire and lost the most important things in life ""LOVE"" . We all wish we could start over, as do I, and yes she was there and yes I never paid attention....Lonely is equivalent to HELL!! I am not sure I can see the difference. LOVE is all that matters!!!!

  • Is it my imagination, or does Vince Gill have the longest eyelashes of any man in history? What an amazing talent--such a beautiful voice, an excellent guitar player, and a super songwriter. Not many people can top this guy.

  • Like vince I remarried after divorce lost my darling wife to AML fourteen months ago.We we’re together thirty five years,breaks my heart ,three of Vinces tracks churns my insides but I listen to them again and again.He is special also love his wife Amy especially when they are together their banter would cheer any soul.God bless them both.

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