FrenzifyParadigm 2018-07-06 23:08:09 I know people look at music of the past through rose tinted glasses, but Jesus fucking Christ I loved 90s and 00s music.
AtheisticConclusion 2018-05-24 21:09:24 Man this brings me back to the 90s. I miss it, not because it was better, but because I was still young.
CEO Deshayla
When I had a crush on Usher
Dokter Hendra 5758
see usher make me wanna lipsing by ganesha
Saraj Jaye
Why is Usher such a turn on true talent right there
I know people look at music of the past through rose tinted glasses, but Jesus fucking Christ I loved 90s and 00s music.
Man this brings me back to the 90s. I miss it, not because it was better, but because I was still young.
Melanie B
I’m 37 and I still weird
Tisha Bogan
This is what you doooooo