liliani Illangi 2019-01-03 13:14:21 I feel that the lyrics are a bit repetitive through the whole song.
Mariana Penha 2018-03-28 22:04:53 this is heck of a lot better than the crap they play on the radio now!
JapaneseBuffalo 2018-03-17 15:19:48 sucks that great bands like this never get popular and end up disbanding
Mike Vieregge
I miss Zildjian Z customs.
liliani Illangi
I feel that the lyrics are a bit repetitive through the whole song.
Felsefe doktoru Psixoloq
This was my favorite song in high school
Harry Spivey
Such a gem of a song
Ryan Blythe
What happened to Tubelord :( this was my band for Year 9 at School.
Avani Singa
I walked past your guardsmen! <3
george wood
Good to see Nirvana is still going strong
Singer looks like nic crane off of Coast
Avani Singa
The guitarist is so fucking hot.
That lead singer needs to sort himself out tragic!
Mariana Penha
this is heck of a lot better than the crap they play on the radio now!
sucks that great bands like this never get popular and end up disbanding
Felipe Vieira
vocals reminds young craig owens