Toby Keith - American Soldier (2003)

  • Toby Keith - American Soldier

About Music Video

  • Artist: Toby Keith
  • Song: American Soldier
  • Duration: 04:31
  • Online views: 47,469,167
  • Added: 2009-06-16


  • I cry when I listen to this song. Every time... I think of our soldiers and how true this song describes them and I just wish I could hug them all and thank them in person! To all those serving our great country here at home and abroad & to those who have our vets! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  • God bless these men and women who serve for you i may only be 13 but i already want to be in the Us Miltary and you aint worth nothing to America if you dont thank veterans cause with out them the us would not be so great and come at me in you got a problem with this.

  • The people who dislike this should be ashamed of themselves because apparently they don’t know what happens overseas my whole family is in the military my cousin got Killed in 2009 I plan on joining when I get out of high school god bless America

  • Why this song has 8.3k dislike it makes me sad. I have a question all those people dislike this song I want to know why you did it with a reason.

  • A boy who had committed suicide at my school who I was close to they played this song at his funeral and listening to this brings back memories of him it is nice to remember the good times I had with him.

  • My father served both my grandfathers served my cousin served and many friends and other family has served or are in... 4th of July I turned this song on in my truck and turned it up as loud as I could and drove around!!!

  • Thank you american soldiers because you are! Only you are our protect from Russia we respect your duty, and we are grateful because you are in our land. Thank you fro Lithuania, and i cant say for all but all eastern europe are with you and if it with be any war all our guys will protect your back. we dont betray our friends. For us friendship is like family.

  • Pride in being an American, how lucky are we to be born in these Untied States of America. God Bless the USA!

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