Timbaland - Apologize (2008)

  • Timbaland - Apologize

About Music Video

  • Artist: Timbaland
  • Song: Apologize
  • Duration: 03:09
  • Online views: 336,593,678
  • Added: 2009-06-17


  • So your getting ready for school and ur dad walks in and says son let me take you to school you say no and walk past him later your at the door and ur dad says son please can I take you to school? I know you may be mad but please I just want to talk to yo- you interrupt him feeling angry dad just stop I’ll walk please and thank you you walk past him later your walking and it’s wet and rainy your dad is in his car and drives by you and says son please can I take you he smiles it’s nice and warm in here not wet. You feel really furious and ignore him then he loses his smile and starts to feel sad in your 4th period of class your having fun laughing with ur friends and you get a call saying your dad passed away he was shot and killed in a drive way. You burst into tears its to late to apologize

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