ThatGuyCanman 2018-08-28 21:13:10 23 most popular in 1984. Bet this has something to do with bandersnatch
BIGWIG7111 2018-02-20 09:59:46 When the other dude starts to sing backing vocals in the last chorus.... just, yeeeaaaahhh
Alex Mac
Song for people of a certain age.
Rosario Guaman
Kara Allen
Saw them in concert in the 80’s
Percy Scott
This should have more than double of the views it has now
Maria Sposito
Bass guitarist!!!...getting it in!
Janie Caudillo
That bass is kickass!
I love you happy and Sheena
Jody Ressel
So which ones are twins?
23 most popular in 1984. Bet this has something to do with bandersnatch
Estelito Lasawang
Look at that tin can on her head..
Catherine Malian
There is the 80s, and everything else.
Tim Hassler
Wedding singer.... any one?????
When the other dude starts to sing backing vocals in the last chorus.... just, yeeeaaaahhh