The Partridge Family - It's One of Those Nights (1993)

  • The Partridge Family - It's One of Those Nights

About Music Video

  • Artist: The Partridge Family
  • Song: It's One of Those Nights
  • Duration: 03:33
  • Online views: 640,312
  • Added: 2012-01-13


  • So sad I know I really did not know him but he deserves more credit, he was unique and a good human being. I miss knowing he is still part of our world. My youth swooned for him.

  • I am so glad you were part of my life. You were some of my good memories. I loved reading Tiger Beat about you and Bobby Sherman. It was a toss-up of who I loved more, and you won. I loved it when Bobby guess -starred on The Partridge Family show. Seeing you both together was as cool as having Davy Jones and Desi Arnaz Jr. on The Brady Bunch show. I am glad I was born when I was. I am proud of being a baby boomer with posters of Bobby Sherman, Jonathon Frid, Davy Jones, and David Cassidy on my walls. We did have better music in the 60s and 70s. I maybe old, but I got to see all the groovy bands. The music now sucks. May all the legends rest in ☮️. David Bowie, Elvis, Ricky Nelson, Glen Campbell, Prince, Michael Jackson, George Michael, Karen Carpenter, Annette Funicello, and now David Cassidy. What a band God has in Heaven!

  • I am so glad I grew up in a great generation of great music that you can actually understand the words, the roller rink on Saturdays, hardly any crime, great friends, hanging out and not having to worry about adult stuff, no technology to boggle your mind, playing OUTSIDE till the street lights came on, and the sounds of David Cassidy and Donny Osmond!!!!!! What a generation we grew up in!!! Wish we could go back to those days!!!! I LOVE this music!!!!!