The Four Owls - Silent Flight (2015)

  • The Four Owls - Silent Flight

About Music Video

  • Artist: The Four Owls
  • Song: Silent Flight
  • Duration: 03:40
  • Online views: 6,014,041
  • Added: 2015-01-07


  • I love it but why haven’t I seen it by now??!!!! Damn. The animation is so right on and it’s cool to see the owls adaptations with cartoon styling. That owl pellet was really graphic. Inky one little thing though. I think a black barn owl would have been a better cast choice to go with the mood of the whole song. I know they’re rarer but they have cuter features too unlike the common white one. I love the way the African eagle owl grabs that mouse and drops him into the owlets nest and he sits up and sees he’s surrounded! I laughed and laughed! Then the hungover great horned owl who seemed to be the star of this creation. I loved him best because he looks flawed. How in the he’ll did I nit see this until NOW!?

  • Absolutely love how they each have different verses in the song and how well they intrigrate there voices each brother sounding different

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