AGC425 2019-01-29 19:48:34 If I had a dollar for every one of these jokes in the comments:Draco Malfoy - $1,000Katty Perry- $5
Wesley Weisbrod 2018-07-21 16:09:52 Okay soooooo, im a rhythm guitarists, and i want to challenge your lead to a guitar duel. So many openings for so much potential... wasted.....
Anakin Skywalker 2018-06-02 20:13:14 This song sounds like; miss nothing by the pretty reckless but ok
If I had a dollar for every one of these jokes in the comments:Draco Malfoy - $1,000Katty Perry- $5
Shakina Frink
Kris Hartanto
Belajar solo gitar dulu om..2 gitaris cm bising aja
Marco Alcocer
this reminds me of Ariel from icon for hire so much...
Sabrina Ranaldi
Always hearing "this time you take it into butt"
Wesley Weisbrod
Okay soooooo, im a rhythm guitarists, and i want to challenge your lead to a guitar duel. So many openings for so much potential... wasted.....
Anakin Skywalker
This song sounds like; miss nothing by the pretty reckless but ok
halest0rm rocks
awesome song..........weeeeeeeeeeeee
Sean Crandell
Samet Yüce
rock of perry katy :D