Marie Alonso 2019-06-08 05:34:09 Apenas empezó esta canción y le di like, y no me arrepiento es muy buena la canción me hace sentir taan relajada
Angela Guevara Cortez 2019-04-26 23:22:07 if only i was on a flying swing up in the sky, plenty of clouds, the sun is about to set, once it sets, the sky is filled with aurora borealis and this song is playing in the background
rose bonfim
뮤비랑 너무 잘어울린다 어두운하늘아래 들판을 뛰어다니는 모습
Marie Alonso
Apenas empezó esta canción y le di like, y no me arrepiento es muy buena la canción me hace sentir taan relajada
Angela Guevara Cortez
if only i was on a flying swing up in the sky, plenty of clouds, the sun is about to set, once it sets, the sky is filled with aurora borealis and this song is playing in the background
Jorge Antonio Perez Martinez
노래랑 영상이 진짜 찰떡이다.. 뭐랄까 홀려서 유체이탈할거같은 느낌
Mi sono innamorata di questa canzone alla follia
오랜만이다 이런 감성
Melissa Mena Gardner
this song is everything tbh
i love this song it makes me happy everytime i listen
Gun Man
허...기분이 이상해.....
ill never get tired of listening this song, is a truly masterpiece
Suhaib Hedayah
She was my EVERYTHING.
krialaison 01
새벽에 이 노래 틀고 같이 걷고 싶은 사람
Amanda Cabral
Chairs floating everywhere means whole world is like empty space
Thomas Wrightson
여자 미끼 홀 렸다 ㅠㅠ 음악이랑 뮤직 정말 잘 어울림리다 흥하삼
Basterix 04
말로 형용할수없는 노래...