PassiveAgressiveCanadian 2018-10-07 09:53:18 I was a motherf*cker even before my daughter was born..........holy f*ck.....Amazing
mell mann 2018-05-25 15:01:18 What happened to this shit? I have o relive it to get. Class can’t keep up
Radek Ordyniec
What city was this video made in?
Graham Roth
Love this song. Love class.
I was a motherf*cker even before my daughter was born..........holy f*ck.....Amazing
Nova Scotia Boyyyyyyy
mell mann
What happened to this shit? I have o relive it to get. Class can’t keep up
Jaxxy R
best song i heard in very long time
Dre Bugz
Classified = Canadian Nas !
Rick Garfield
Nice.... You nedd to come to Minneapolis