daniel medina 2019-01-14 08:28:23 Angels DO walk the earth. So glad to hear the music and see her at least in video.
per hasselriis 2018-03-25 23:20:23 Miss her voice and music. Still remember seeing her live! Amazing atmosphere and energy
daniel medina
Angels DO walk the earth. So glad to hear the music and see her at least in video.
Hriberto Betancourt
subtitles in Spanish to this song ... please please
they changed the lead synth to have more highs and mids
Branko Vasic
i ja bi debele kravice ne bi bguse!!
Sphinx Rising
Ironic part of this song is I did die, lol
John Tate
per hasselriis
Miss her voice and music. Still remember seeing her live! Amazing atmosphere and energy