I am way late. Just ran acrossed Salem witches performance on a hip hop live channel and was blown away. This guy is one of a kind. His lyricism and skill is from another planet
This and Rabbithole are the 2 of the best songs I have heard this decade. I used to go on walks in England late at night while listening to this album and not see another person for hours.Now I live in Hong Kong and no matter where you are or what time it is, they are people everywhere.
The Prince
How far does this rabbit hole go?
Ghandi Bonez
I am way late. Just ran acrossed Salem witches performance on a hip hop live channel and was blown away. This guy is one of a kind. His lyricism and skill is from another planet
Sadistik is amazing! Cant get enough. This is my drug
DeKaOne FS
From rap to art to a masterpiece
hakan acar
sell your.......ahahahha bu ne la
still one of my favorites till this day
Kyle Neef
waiting for new album. Snakes
Carrie Lemon-Blossom
I truly believe that a part of Mikey lives on in you codyman
Marexi Alxazashvili
TRUMP you know, orange. MAGA
Jaw Ji
This and Rabbithole are the 2 of the best songs I have heard this decade. I used to go on walks in England late at night while listening to this album and not see another person for hours.Now I live in Hong Kong and no matter where you are or what time it is, they are people everywhere.
The alchemical imagery gone wordplay in this brings me a strangely famailr new song every listen