The lyrics of this tune seem to be telling the story of a bird that wants to get fucked. And somehow the video director turns it into the story of a man who got a belt of a van and ended up with a fake leg. How does that work?
Ich liebe dieses Video. Es zeigt wirklich was ware Freunde sind.Und mein größten Respekt das man sich so ins Leben zurück gekämpft hat. Aber mit den richtigen Menschen an deiner Seite wird viels einfacher.
Prsarah BaqSagaf
I was about to cry but at the end I am inspired, bravo
Christian Strub
Niko, jeśli to widzisz.. tęsknię. 2013
olly killick
The lyrics of this tune seem to be telling the story of a bird that wants to get fucked. And somehow the video director turns it into the story of a man who got a belt of a van and ended up with a fake leg. How does that work?
simone Meneses
These guys’ videos and songs are inspirational and give me tingles
c95 cosima
amazing and unforgettable
Lucia Silva
Ich liebe dieses Video. Es zeigt wirklich was ware Freunde sind.Und mein größten Respekt das man sich so ins Leben zurück gekämpft hat. Aber mit den richtigen Menschen an deiner Seite wird viels einfacher.
Tracy Hamilton
Love to meet this man just so strong and everything a man should be XX
Starlight Tasha
This song makes me so emotional
gamingwith LordZX
I loved this song when i was a KID
Livy 101
I love this vid, it actually means something and shows something