NOW 46 This is Judaism! Protocols of the learned elders of Britpop .This is the EU Kalergi plan a far cry from a 96 Gazza goal now! Yikes.This is 300 years of Central bank usury against the wisdom of Sir Francis Bacon. This is Judaism. Ocean Colour Scene - ARGHHHHHHHHH lol EURO 2066 minorities in your own nation. MOOO cool as fuck
Either:A, I’m having a REALLY bad trip or B, I just saw Jezza down the allotment swaying side to side in a overly large cardigan listening to this whilst tending to a tray of seedlings.
Polina M
"Well I arrived just after seven" is the badassest line in history of music for me
reynaldo reyes
omg this is amazing!
New labour opened the borders for 3rd world mass immigration.Tony Blair is a murderer and a traitor.
Can"t afford cocaine,,got bills to pay.
Ralph Gonzales
Och, Jarvis, your voise....
Aris Manolopoulos
λεβεντομάνα, τσινγκ τσανγκ τσονγκ..
Dra åt Helvete
May the uploader of this live infinent.
Katey Harper
I love your message Jarvis....but how is your new life in Paris going???
God do I love this song
Rachel Rodgers
NOW 46 This is Judaism! Protocols of the learned elders of Britpop .This is the EU Kalergi plan a far cry from a 96 Gazza goal now! Yikes.This is 300 years of Central bank usury against the wisdom of Sir Francis Bacon. This is Judaism. Ocean Colour Scene - ARGHHHHHHHHH lol EURO 2066 minorities in your own nation. MOOO cool as fuck
The lovechild of “Common People” and “Glory Days”
manga youtube
Texte et musique en symbiose
Maximiliano Gabriel
Felix Woltmann
Either:A, I’m having a REALLY bad trip or B, I just saw Jezza down the allotment swaying side to side in a overly large cardigan listening to this whilst tending to a tray of seedlings.
Francisco Sanchez
Gracias Jarvis por esta canción, tan bien expresionada. Lo explica todo. Así deben ser las buenas letras.
Sandra Ring
nice consssstellationnow what I mean mate