Dear Fat Nick and PouyaPlz try the variety of options for plant-based milks in your cereal and open your mind to try & see if a plant-based diet is not better than carnism in absolutely every way. You can still be "Fat" Nick and be healthy/compassionate, like comedian and vegan Felipe Esparza-Much love, from a fan
Marcelo Jordão
Who let these guys into their dads jacket closet? They must of heard their cassettes with the treble turned way down.
Lulu z
Dear Fat Nick and PouyaPlz try the variety of options for plant-based milks in your cereal and open your mind to try & see if a plant-based diet is not better than carnism in absolutely every way. You can still be "Fat" Nick and be healthy/compassionate, like comedian and vegan Felipe Esparza-Much love, from a fan
Joe Maestas
Stash a 100 in the wall
Lol TrolZ
"el picante" fucking great
Enrique Luna
Fuck shakewell. Nick and pouya are
naibaf garcia
who else noticed he had his phone in his hand the whole time lol
Mike flores
bruh cant believe this shits 2 years old