distortiongirlCK 2018-11-19 05:34:53 Back to the time when I was 4 years old, but began to be into pop rock/pop punk.
Ryan Cavanaugh 2018-02-21 07:01:17 "Cuz it sucks not having any clue if friendship is a "standard" to you"
Green Green Man
NFG Over the scaffoldings
aurel nyul verlaque
Wow, this really sucks.. Why am I watching this ??
Back to the time when I was 4 years old, but began to be into pop rock/pop punk.
Ryan Cavanaugh
"Where two.."
Nick Santos
One of the most iconic punk voices, up there with tom delong
Christopher Allen
Loved watching the blonde chick walk away.
Papá Gamer
The Blondie had a nice ass
rudy mancha
Still one of my favorite bands of all time
Ryan Cavanaugh
"Cuz it sucks not having any clue if friendship is a "standard" to you"