homeboy on the right rocking that vintage, wartorn beard swag. "I barely mAde it out the Civil War alive brAh, the battle of Gettysburg was HELL" ...pretty sure the only thing he was attacked by was a self inflicted blast of hair straightener to the growth. where the conditioner endorsements at
David Mcarthur
this song made me fucking cry. CRY literally
That1 Blaquekid
my pastel fantasy comes to life
Schyler Johnson
Blink 182 goes pop
RobStax Games
homeboy on the right rocking that vintage, wartorn beard swag. "I barely mAde it out the Civil War alive brAh, the battle of Gettysburg was HELL" ...pretty sure the only thing he was attacked by was a self inflicted blast of hair straightener to the growth. where the conditioner endorsements at
Jeremy Balise
This is just Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls
Aghi Rocket
tom delonge salutes u.
Victoria Rosette
everyone in this is band is ridiculous hot
Esau Cantu
who has their csgo music kit? and loves it like crazy
Dina Belkhier
Fuck you and you deserve a biiiiiig copyright for stealing the title of nirvana in bloom change the fking title fuckhead
Silverstein vibes for sure!
Ian Grey
1 like =1, respect for Ben or the singer
Just recently got into this band and I feel bad that I slept on them for so long!