But are all people ready for a utopian world without borders and barriers, where the word patiotism is not nationalism? Do you want to profit over it? Where is the world going? Who is everyone in him, no matter who he is, what he does, how much does he have? Does a man become an actor in the pantonymes of the puppets? On the other hand, opposing utopian ideas are a vicious circle of self-admiration? Quo vadis?
nik tanel
ha bon ! naaman fait de la variet maintenant
bestgore and naaman lol wtf sorry
Marjorie Guillou
WAHOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Merci pour ce son!!!!
Positive vibes from Greece! You are awesome :)
Sarah Fatally
Trop in love de cette chanson
wtf ques qui font la bigflo et oli ???
ROO Picturs
Tres beau clipe
But are all people ready for a utopian world without borders and barriers, where the word patiotism is not nationalism? Do you want to profit over it? Where is the world going? Who is everyone in him, no matter who he is, what he does, how much does he have? Does a man become an actor in the pantonymes of the puppets? On the other hand, opposing utopian ideas are a vicious circle of self-admiration? Quo vadis?
Risa Hall
We have to talk !! and you know it :) Greats music there as usual ! Love is One, Together :)
Cookie Bella
merci encore pour les paroles profonde !!!!!!!BIG UP !!!!!!!
Boutaud Thomas
Cette chanson te transporte de ouf, la vie est douce...