Travis-Colt Gray 2018-12-13 05:55:35 If only I had a time machine to ask that girl out in high school.
Leonardo Zancanella 2018-07-06 12:14:04 I visit this at least once a year to keep this video alive in me.
Schlucht Der Shepherd 2018-06-21 15:21:39 Jesse, you and i potatoed and french fried handshaked here in Denver,CO. Each of you moved my soul on the stage of life.
Gary Berkheiser
This song brings back too much!!!!
Travis-Colt Gray
If only I had a time machine to ask that girl out in high school.
Evan Drane
Yup. Still the most depressing song ever written.
Hobo Joe
Was this video recorded with a potato
Leonardo Zancanella
I visit this at least once a year to keep this video alive in me.
senha livre
How was the last comment over a year ago!?
Schlucht Der Shepherd
Jesse, you and i potatoed and french fried handshaked here in Denver,CO. Each of you moved my soul on the stage of life.
Lew Francis
One of my favorite songs ever. Love these guys.
Oyas Mah
Why are all the masterpieces so deeply underrated?