A Nobbit 2019-08-09 04:34:02 Do ever get that feeling as if metal suddenly bursts out from your body?
jules schoenefuhs 2019-01-06 03:24:42 They took this out of Guitar Hero Arcade because it was too long lol
susana vallejos 2018-10-24 08:06:33 Que musica ....hoy recuerdo mi juventud , mis carretes y los mejores amigos de antaño ,lejos para mi Temaso de Metallica
Marlee Roberts 2018-04-18 08:04:05 a sharp mind would know they are keeping this man alive to torture him... for the body is literary a cell for your soul
A Nobbit
Do ever get that feeling as if metal suddenly bursts out from your body?
dream academy
Metallica for next Superbowl halftime show ! 2020
jules schoenefuhs
They took this out of Guitar Hero Arcade because it was too long lol
Ona Baliukienė
Ačiū, tegu bus pakartota
Boris škoda
This is so fucking important
susana vallejos
Que musica ....hoy recuerdo mi juventud , mis carretes y los mejores amigos de antaño ,lejos para mi Temaso de Metallica
Sam Hobson
For democracy any man would sacrifice his only begotten son
Jackson Lawrence
this is gonna be the song at my funeral
Que suene esta canción mientras bajan mi féretro
justine espiosa
fuckin drum bit!!!..
Marlee Roberts
a sharp mind would know they are keeping this man alive to torture him... for the body is literary a cell for your soul
Yago Ramos
master of puppets or one? really difficult question
marius stog
how can 29000 have not been able to hit like on this video.