it is music like this, that makes life meaningful.
it shows us, that we humans can create beauty, not only breed filth.
And now image - divine piano from Ludovico meets divine voice of Loreena McKennit...
The angels from heavenly chorus would went silent...
I am listening to this work of art thanks to a cute girl
it is music like this, that makes life meaningful. it shows us, that we humans can create beauty, not only breed filth. And now image - divine piano from Ludovico meets divine voice of Loreena McKennit... The angels from heavenly chorus would went silent...
Meriem Hope
I feel my destiny when I hear this song!
This guy is such a master of the piano every song is different yet says so much!
Pierce Aquilonen
Ludovico Einaudi is awesome, and this sounds great on piano, but someone should really learn this on the violin (or several if needed)
Deus! é maravilhoso isso !!
Nick Wallner
This is amazing! The best song ever! :D
Seventh Fox
This visual accompaniment is STUNNING! Such a difficult piece to articulate visually but this flows perfectly!
Judith Preston
A very varied, moving and dramatic (in places) piece. Beautiful.