There will be a willing vessel to pursue the next level, There will be a surpassing moment when you will look up to that which taught you not to settle like a concrete foundation that eventually sinks when floods break down the walls of a city on low ground as though it never had right if passage to pursue higher places...Thoughts?
William Johnson
10 years later, still one of my favorite songs!!!!
this guy was outside saying 500,000 I hope they give him a 100,000
Susan Hattle
There will be a willing vessel to pursue the next level, There will be a surpassing moment when you will look up to that which taught you not to settle like a concrete foundation that eventually sinks when floods break down the walls of a city on low ground as though it never had right if passage to pursue higher places...Thoughts?
Francisco JBarillas
This is the song of Lifehouse Halfway Gone it was released in 2009 for the first time I heard this song cool song and awesome too song.
Princess Tatyanna
I will always love this song
Vi essa musica com o cover do Peter
Lifehouse does Nickelback better than Nickelback
tania Mackrill