BYRON ANTHONY EDWARDS 2019-01-28 07:49:22 KEYSHIA male owner wants her to stand taller. Keep it in it. Eyes male owner new year.
Korrie Whitten 2018-08-24 07:06:07 nope aint taking you back this time.... you put me through to much...
Faith Meroka
Damn girl, he crazy cooling!!! Yeah!! He got it!!
KEYSHIA male owner wants her to stand taller. Keep it in it. Eyes male owner new year.
Bajo la lupa
Furture needed at least another verse.
Marcia Harvey
My go to music when i am in my feelings
Tiffany Jackson
Can so relate love me some Keyshia future part hit
G DatsHim
she crossed to the Illuminati in this video.
Korrie Whitten
nope aint taking you back this time.... you put me through to much...
Zaza Reed
5.2.4. Big GD klow gang USA