Vivek Singh 2018-03-24 10:55:24 Why do I feel this song talks about how we had a great relationship with the Nature & Environment in the beginning.We had love and then we lost it. Global Warming, Deforestation, extinction of species & Contamination of everything and so on.
Meescu Andreea
Superba melodie
Bu neden bu/kadar az dinlenmis anlamiyorum
Colby S
C A R R Y P O T T E R 2 0 ❤ ✊
Eren osman
ı am turkhis carry potter
Double Eye
is this the voice of Bella? nice voice
Damn... We had love and we fu*kin lost it...
Даша Курико
Vivek Singh
Why do I feel this song talks about how we had a great relationship with the Nature & Environment in the beginning.We had love and then we lost it. Global Warming, Deforestation, extinction of species & Contamination of everything and so on.