Manny Oliveira 2019-08-31 18:03:54 What the f** , so Prince Mohammed was play backing and just a hired charactor?
This is my favorite song
Manny Oliveira
What the f** , so Prince Mohammed was play backing and just a hired charactor?
Martha Borjas
Música del recuerdo
Junior Henrique
enrique AB CD
This is one my favorite song ever
Dany Cannizzaro
Il pezzo è così bello che non commento neanche ❤️
Yimi Arguijo
Rriko bailas estoi marihuano bien alucino esta cansion
I use to fancy this woman.
Buena canción mas que las de BAD BUNNY
Dilum Fernando
Is this first ever rap in old hit ?
Smehin Ajubi
Very nice song, and very beautiful lady. WAUW
Yuliana Guerra
I can FINALLY match the song to a face!
Oral Miller
Beautiful voice song
Junior Henrique
Francisco Neto
Muito lindo esse hino....vai sempre ultrapassar gerações