Judy Collins - Battle Hymn of the Republic (1991)

  • Judy Collins - Battle Hymn of the Republic

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Judy Collins
    • Song: Battle Hymn of the Republic
    • Duration: 02:18
    • Online views: 127,955
    • Added: 2009-06-05


    • You are correct, Julia Ward Howe wrote "... let us die to make men free". I read that it was changed in protest of the Korean War. Usually the "let us live" version is sung today. But back during the Civil War they were less squeamish about the idea of dying for a cause. "As He died... let us die" does make more sense than "as He died... let us live". I wish Judy had sung the whole song instead of just the one verse!

    • It is too bad that Lincoln died in murder.  If he had lived both he and Grant would have carried out their plan to take all the blacks back to Africa that wanted to go.  Sometimes I wonder what had happened to the world if this had come to fruition!!

    • To understand the beauty this hymn, the key is the Holy Bible. The freedom is from sin(hate,murder,witchcraft,lust etc) through the belief in Christ....for a republic to be truly great sin must be absent...Hymns are about God, not to be claimed by white or black, but to glorify God Almighty

    • David Houston. You are right. The political Supreme Ct. let us down before the "Civil War" just as they are doing now. I thunk it was constitutional for the South to secede and then any war would have been fought over the land further west. I stir think slavery would have died out within 20 years in the South.