Tamara16858 2019-08-20 11:52:02 I do love this singer , his manner os singing and his songs give me inspiration. Thanks a lot!!!
Irfan Keskin 2019-05-31 13:11:22 0.36 There is a wrighting on the sun watch " I count only sunny hours". Is there any body use watch for another thing? :DDDD
Birnenpflaume1 2018-07-03 14:14:32 Ein sehr behrürendes Lied ( habe ich in der Derrick Serie gehört ) Das waren die 80er - emotional, behrürende dynamisch Musik Zeit
I do love this singer , his manner os singing and his songs give me inspiration. Thanks a lot!!!
Irfan Keskin
0.36 There is a wrighting on the sun watch " I count only sunny hours". Is there any body use watch for another thing? :DDDD
Hortenssia Dionisie
Sunt super melodiile
Ein sehr behrürendes Lied ( habe ich in der Derrick Serie gehört ) Das waren die 80er - emotional, behrürende dynamisch Musik Zeit