milkshakes wubbalubbadubdub 2018-12-28 01:27:56 The irony of a key around your neck while youre binded by ropes.
Cheesus 2018-12-04 13:31:47 Who else tried to hold their breath as long as possible while watching this?
Jenna Donatelli 2018-10-31 14:29:05 one take wonder!!! the longshot under water is EPIC!!! NO FURTHER COMMENT.
kenscapes 2018-06-16 11:48:01 HS: wanna be in our video? Girl: wow. sure!HS: . . how long can you hold your breath? Girl: ??
John Hanley 2018-05-31 06:29:45 Black ocean cold and dark, I am the hungry shark, fast amongst the rest....
milkshakes wubbalubbadubdub
The irony of a key around your neck while youre binded by ropes.
Who else tried to hold their breath as long as possible while watching this?
Jenna Donatelli
one take wonder!!! the longshot under water is EPIC!!! NO FURTHER COMMENT.
damn this girl can hold her breath for long i wouldnt last 1min
Michael Innanen
so unafraid in my youth
HS: wanna be in our video? Girl: wow. sure!HS: . . how long can you hold your breath? Girl: ??
Nathanial Stone
Bullshark! I can swim in water! Bullshark!
John Hanley
Black ocean cold and dark, I am the hungry shark, fast amongst the rest....
alex 96
I was born in the wrong gen.....OH WAIT!
red delux
If "The Police" & "Nirvana" had a would be Highly Suspect?!?
Jubei Sarutobi
“Black tears don’t hide in rain”Holy fuck I felt that