this is the song that made the government pull the plug on gucci got him jailed, killed then cloned ( T.I.P ) TRAP IN PEACE Gucci Gucci two times say it 2 times
Even though the new Gucci Mane better than the old one. This song not bad it seems like old Gucci was saying real shit and the music video makes it look that way.
Josh Amos
Gucci was ahead of his time damn !! Rip Gucci
desmond berwyn
this is the song that made the government pull the plug on gucci got him jailed, killed then cloned ( T.I.P ) TRAP IN PEACE Gucci Gucci two times say it 2 times
Niggas hardest song no tops
The Competitive Team
Never knew there was a video for this one...
dave ortwine
Ti had no answer to Gucci till he went to jail cuz he knew he would expose him for a fraud by pullin up on him
Nominal 1989
Still fire
Daniel Mapp
It took another eight years but he finally came to peace and terms with himself along with his rivals.
Willie Rogers
Even though the new Gucci Mane better than the old one. This song not bad it seems like old Gucci was saying real shit and the music video makes it look that way.
babymoney wells
I was def in my ears cuz a fan