Geri Halliwell - Look at Me (1999)

  • Geri Halliwell - Look at Me

About Music Video

  • Artist: Geri Halliwell
  • Song: Look at Me
  • Duration: 04:17
  • Online views: 2,468,553
  • Added: 2011-07-30


  • its got a fantastic Balkan sound ,that minor note as well Geri has a very good voice ,not an easy song to sing, the song suits her, sadly everyone has their day, the spice girls were so popular in their time but who really hears much of them now? Yes they are doing comeback concerts, so thats something, the setting for the video is very Eastern european as well I must say, pop music is not what it used to be, but every genre reflects the age we are in and well...this age is like the music today, tacky. Its like nothing seems to have meaning or value anymore. People walk around glued to i-phones ,very wrapped up in themselves, and it is very narcissistic now. Plus all this PC i mean, where do you go from there?

  • Geli 长得是真漂亮,嗓门有特点,唱的有激情,这首歌非常好听而且就她适合唱!

  • This video was a scandal in 1999. The "bitch," she naked in the pool, with the crown of thorns as Jesus and the Ginger Spice funeral. In some countries the video could not be played before 10 pm and she had problems with Catholics. A delicious scandal. Geri has always been great at self-promotion and has made her solo debut a great thing. I miss this Geri.

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