George Michael - Father Figure (1987)

  • George Michael - Father Figure

About Music Video

  • Artist: George Michael
  • Song: Father Figure
  • Duration: 05:37
  • Online views: 72,682,801
  • Added: 2009-10-03


  • This song always reminds me of a good memory from a somewhat happier time in my life. I went to one of my first dances hosted by a congregation in a neighboring town. This song was fresh on the charts, and it was played as a slow dance. I was a shy 12 year old just learning about breaking the ice with the opposite sex. I slow danced to this song and several others at that dance. It felt good to be learning to get over my shyness with the ladies. Back then I still believed that there was such thing as true love, and the possibilies seemed endless. That memory and this song will forever be engrained in my memory, and one will always remind me of the other, and it always seems to jar a few emotions out of me, kind of a sad mixed happy and feeling of longing for those days.

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