fliegen55 2018-11-23 14:25:19 Best Vocalist, best Guitarist and a best Drummer... one and only.. Dave Grohl
Federer935 2018-11-18 07:47:50 Monotonous and uninspiring - real rock please! Compare AC / DC - real rock!
Drive Life 2018-08-03 08:23:58 I know this is a great song but how does it have more views then everlong and learn to fly combined
Дмитрий Руденко
lol Hank Moddy was here
Nobody cares what year your watching this on.
Best Vocalist, best Guitarist and a best Drummer... one and only.. Dave Grohl
Monotonous and uninspiring - real rock please! Compare AC / DC - real rock!
Drive Life
I know this is a great song but how does it have more views then everlong and learn to fly combined
Jesus Lives
Che al principio la guitarra suena igual a starway to heaven
This is a very spiritual song if you think about