Alan Santoro 2019-02-11 17:47:26 I listen to this song every time I drive my car at night, and I hope that everyone who pilots a spaceship listens to it while it rides around the stars
Ashley Atiyeh 2019-01-18 04:50:55 I listen to this loud with ear phones on in the near dark and it is like entering a movie or game, addictive like crack :)
Amanda Darling 2018-12-01 09:15:18 Whoever disliked deserves to be thrown in a dungeon (not the fun kind)!
Alan Santoro
I listen to this song every time I drive my car at night, and I hope that everyone who pilots a spaceship listens to it while it rides around the stars
Chocat X Stencchi
Love this song, love this artist
Ashley Atiyeh
I listen to this loud with ear phones on in the near dark and it is like entering a movie or game, addictive like crack :)
Amanda Darling
Whoever disliked deserves to be thrown in a dungeon (not the fun kind)!
Азъ есмь
Very good! I give you thumb up.
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