DeviatedDocs 2019-01-24 21:01:50 Curren$y x Ski Beatz x Dame Dash was fire. Dame Recently said that Warner Bros MG came in and got everything fucked up with lawyers. Pilot Talk 1 and 2 were straight classics.
Miro Radi
Holding it down like balloon strings!! Crazy
Curren$y x Ski Beatz x Dame Dash was fire. Dame Recently said that Warner Bros MG came in and got everything fucked up with lawyers. Pilot Talk 1 and 2 were straight classics.
Johnson Antoine
Miss these times smh
Rashad Jackson
First song I ever heard from Curren$y.
Korry Bass
Forever Timeless this song
Jamine Dodes
Damn....and Dame Dash had all them Niggas working......FLATOUT!
Erick Rishel
Yo SPITTA nothing but good vibes