1.51 touge in cheek doesnt look rignt this shit will stop i swaer to God foot body on christ chuch down crushed under our footsunderstood am have the enforces the arch angels stomp under foot 75 arch angels taking turns every 12 hours the next 8 weeks
Philippe telma
Wow, these guys were very close to becoming the next Nickelback.
Larry Bobarry
Forgive me dear for my missed erection? Ouch
Nathan Dunlap
1.20guy looks differnt than his other videos touge looks like it or something try to slit it like a snake
Patrick Owens
Forgive me dear for my missed erection...
Nathan Dunlap
1.44 diana satan dirity dian who jack n diana
Nathan Dunlap
stupity bitch from midnight of evil no good sipider
Ed Roland looks like Lio Messi
Nathan Dunlap
1.37 am ezposing the snake inside reminds me of pretty poison jen sporivi but as a men
Nathan Dunlap
1.43serprnt or real black widow this bitch drive by spinder me n my nephew who a angel so I hope the angels take vengeance upon us
Emma Wiklund
1.51 touge in cheek doesnt look rignt this shit will stop i swaer to God foot body on christ chuch down crushed under our footsunderstood am have the enforces the arch angels stomp under foot 75 arch angels taking turns every 12 hours the next 8 weeks
Steve Jarvey
WOW!!! What a great song!!!
Csaba Egersegi
Holy hell, check out the artifacts on this video
Nathan Dunlap
is this tge levathian spirit god promised to kill.