Blue October - Hate Me (2006)

  • Blue October - Hate Me

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Blue October
    • Song: Hate Me
    • Duration: 04:10
    • Online views: 88,349,083
    • Added: 2009-10-07


    • clean for 3 years.. off Xanax.. ruined my life. made me someone who I wasnt. beyond thankful I was pushed by my mom at the time. And thankful I had a dad willing to take me away from the bullshit.. stay strong.. as cliche as it sounds there is light at the end of the dark tunnel.

    • The darkness calls, my ears answering in pain, the soul tingles with unknown fear, my feet tremor with sedated joy, the heart beats like a piston in a race car at the starting line, my pulses are white noise- deftone and defined with embossed art of dark colors, broken-uneven trenches covered on cracked glass splintering into a web of sharp crystal veins that creates loud chaos with thunderous clouds of diamonds and self image, their are links...links... that burn together joining each other, welding at the jagged edges, slowly rebuilding the broken cracks that form into sheltered tents of refugees, the barrier that encloses the blood of the soul, we know as the body of the gifted, the world envisions suffering and panic and the forgotten minds,....why...., for the imaginary eternities that shadow theirselves with mystery and and unanswered questions, there lies impossible roads ahead....dont you see your path...your TO close to the sun......

    • This song came out when I was a kid and I didn’t understand what it was about back then. Now I’m older and it means a lot to me.

    • My childhood was shit, my parents were drunk all day everyday. Mental and physical abuse. Years after moving out I felt like life was done, I called my mom for support. Her exact words,”pray to god you’ll be alright.

    • This song I played constantly when I was with my ex husband. Our relationship was horrible and I wished he would hate me enough to let me go! He was very verbally abusive, emotionally abusive and psychologically abusive. I hated myself and I was stuck. I had 5 kids and nowhere to go with them. I hated everything and I just wanted to die. I was an addict. Addicted to pills. Just wanted it all to go away. Pills made it go away, but hatred was still there. I thank god I’m in a much better place now.

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