Big & Rich - 8th of November (2005)

  • Big & Rich - 8th of November

About Music Video

  • Artist: Big & Rich
  • Song: 8th of November
  • Duration: 06:03
  • Online views: 7,226,862
  • Added: 2010-01-06


  • I wish there was a love button, what an amazing tribute to the real heroes of this country! God Bless our men and women in harms way, and pray for the USA as well as the men and women whom have the charge to lead and develop legislation, less party division, we all need to return to our roots, Faith, Family, God & country!

  • My dad was in the 173rd. Demolitions. 64-70. 4 years 11 months worth of Vietnam. Wounded bad at Hill 875. Attached to alpha 2nd 503rd. Sgt Gorman

  • All 10 of my Aunts and Uncles served in the Army. My grandfather has 2 purple hearts. Greatest and strongest man i know. Couple of them went to Vietnam. Thank you to all who have served. God bless our vets

  • my dad fought in vietnam....3 tours as a green beret with the 5th spec ops from 1967 to 1970.....he was never the same what mom said as i was born in 1970 10 months after he came home and he retired as the cmh of ft polk in 1985. he never opened up to me until i came back from war myself as a US MARINE. said he saw in my eyes i had that stare and still have it. eyes like a shark

  • God Bless the Airborne, wherever and whenever they fight and die for all of us! All soldiers near and far and in any war in this Universe should receive a medal and our greatest thanks of all! This also includes our Furry soldiers who not only protect us and preserve our Freedom, but also do double duty and protect their Human Counterparts! For all of this, Semper Fi and any other appropriate phrase that expresses my gratitude for a good job and a life Well done! Thank You!

  • When I went to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. I read every name on that wall for two hours, it was really sad and depressing to see how many brave souls that were lost.

  • First off : Welcome home to the Vietnam veterans. And secondly,if you ever get the chance to come to Ft.Benning,make sure to come to The National Infantry Museum. They have a beautiful monument dedicated to the 173rd

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