Bedroom - Nothing Lasts (2014)

  • Bedroom - Nothing Lasts

    About Music Video

    • Artist: Bedroom
    • Song: Nothing Lasts
    • Duration: 04:52
    • Online views: 9,023,292
    • Added: 2014-05-27


    • remember everything happens for a reason. life is a giant river with its strong currents and calm sceneries. thats all i have to say. peace and love you all

    • I took an edible and it made me go into a strong existential crisis. I started to feel like everything is meaningless and arbitrary. It made think about how I am absolutely terrified by the blackness of death. Imagining being dead for eternity fucking scared me. It also makes things meaningless cuz why would we try to succeed when life just ends. I also imagined watching all my friends and family die and tore me apart. I also started to worry about my relationships, jobs and life choices. I just this underlying feeling of hopelessness and meaninglessness.That edible made me directly face my fears and I am scared to face them. I guess I’ll see a shrink and talk to people about it. Man this is beautiful.