Legin Ffoeg 2019-05-27 02:09:42 Why does this not have 20 zillion views ??? Fantastic song !!!!!!!!!!!
Radosław Kacperski 2018-12-01 23:55:09 why?????????!!!!?!?!?!?!!??! why it does not have 50 million views , it is better track of many of the displayed
George V 2018-02-26 14:09:45 If it was a real sportbike and not a scooter this video would have been perfect :D
Legin Ffoeg
Why does this not have 20 zillion views ??? Fantastic song !!!!!!!!!!!
kanica 34
como es posible que haya buena música y muy pocos lo sepan <3
Marta Majka
Mój ulubiony kawałek od miesiąca :-)
Berk Baki
Belgium ROCKS!!!!!...
Radosław Kacperski
why?????????!!!!?!?!?!?!!??! why it does not have 50 million views , it is better track of many of the displayed
Om trots op te zijn , Arsenal , een supergroep ! <3
Veronica Peregrino
I thought it said "and my heart sings Shakespeare so heavily"
Andrea Chicaiza
vu sur scène, énorme!!
zaira quijas
Ongetwijfeld één van de beste Belgische groepen van het moment !
Tom Yost
my favorite song <3 <3 <3
This song AND video make me feel happy. Love it!!
Kevin Mendoza
one of my favorites songs besides TOURISTA - Select y Start :)
George V
If it was a real sportbike and not a scooter this video would have been perfect :D