for KING & COUNTRY - Shoulders (2015)

  • for KING & COUNTRY - Shoulders

    About Music Video

    • Artist: for KING & COUNTRY
    • Song: Shoulders
    • Duration: 05:24
    • Online views: 53,710,321
    • Added: 2015-03-20


    • I looked up Lauren Daigle This girl and my heart just broke seeing comments saying im here because of Selena Gomez When we are actually here because of Jesus Christ but people just dont listen like what it says in the bible people that dont listen are stupid but dont forget LOVE THE SINNER HATE THE SIN!!!

    • 2 0 1 6. Me encuentro en una sala de hospital luchando contra un cancer , sin saber si podría sobrevivir, sufriendo del dolor a causa de las quimioterapias, venas destrozadas, vecinos de cuarto compartiendo el mismo dolor, otros perdiendo la batalla. Nunca dude de esa ayuda idónea , de ese poder sobre natural , de ese ser que no puedo ver pero si sentir de ese Dios que llevo mi enfermedad y me llevo fuera de ese hospital en sus hombros sano y salvo . 2 0 1 9 Escuchando esta hermosa canción una y otra vez .

    • This song has gotten me through so much. I would listen to this song with my mama in the car and it would always make me feel good. I was really stressed because I had to go to the hospital and we put on this song and I just felt God. I knew he was there and that despite everything that was happening he was in control. Now I can’t even listen to this song without crying with joy. For everything God has done for us. Through every single battle I have faced I know he is always here helping me. Don’t not let yourself be burdened but give it all up to the one who loves you more than anything, God.

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